martes, 19 de enero de 2016



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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.                                               January 14th. 2016

                                                                                           Contacts: Daniel Vila: 718-414-9558
                                                                                           Angie Galindo 917-797-8789
                                                                                           Florencia Ruiz 516-784-0170

                                                       PRESS RELEASE
                                          Campaign: “Journey by Nestora"
                     Release American Citizen Nestora Salgado Jailed in Mexico

A press conference will take place on Monday, January 18th 2016 at 11:00am at
26 Federal Plaza Building, New York, N Y. 100278

Human rights organizations in more than 10 cities in the United States will launch a campaign to demand the release of Nestora Salgado before the imminent appeal from her lawyers.

New York, New York, January 14th, 2016. Human rights organizations located across the United States will launch a campaign demanding the Mexican government immediately release Nestora Salgado, who is currently appealing her previous indictment in the Superior Court of the State of Guerrero.
Nestora Salgado’s lawyers are appealing her detention on the basis of absent ratification by her accusers. Under Mexican law Salgado must be immediately released. Salgado, her husband Mr. Jose Luis Avila, her lawyers and a wide network of organizations who have followed the case from the United States since she was imprisoned in August 2013 are mobilizing to put an immediate end to her unjust imprisonment.

Nestora Salgado is an American citizen born in Olinalá Guerrero, Mexico, who after making a life in the United States decided to return to her hometown in Guerrero where she witnessed human rights violations against the population, she was chosen to join the Community Police of Olinalá and serve as CRAC-PC. She was detained and confined to a maximum security prison where she was isolated and subjected to torture and violations of her human rights. The charges against Salgado include kidnapping and organized crime by individuals who never attended the criminal proceedings.

Nestora Salgado has done a hunger strike to protest the mistreatment and violations not only of her own human rights but also the abuse that Mexican civilians are subjected to by Mexican authorities. With clear damage to her health Nestora Salgado decides to continue fighting from prison so her case will be heard, in order to create a network of solidarity to support her and all civilians that are living in these circumstances of State violence. Salgado’s case is not the only one, her case represents more than 400 community police members, as well as hundreds of political prisoners in México also.

If the Mexican government and the US government continue ignoring her case, Nestora Salgado is planning a second hunger strike, which would jeopardize her health, physical integrity and life.

With this document and the "Campaing for Nestora Salgado" initiated in the United States last week, we demand from the authorities of this country, Congressmen, Senators, the US State Department and the American Embassy in Mexico to review this case and intervene immediately for the release of American citizen Nestora Salgado, jailed unjustly by the Mexican government.

Participating cities:
San Diego, Houston, Austin, Dallas, Grand Rapids MI, El Paso Tx, Kansas, Los Ángeles Ca., Chicago, Seattle, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Washington, St Louis, New York, Portland, Oxnard, North Carolina, San José, CA. and Indiana.

 New York, NY: Press Conference.
Campaign: "Journey by Nestora"

Supporting and endorsing organizations:
Jornada Por Nestora
Movimiento popular Guerrerense
Comité Free Nestora
CRAC P.C. de Olinalá
Alejandro Solalinde
Acampada revolución
Acción Para el Bienestar Ciudadano con Derechos Humanos y Democracia
Agenda Light International
Alianza de Organizaciones por la Justicia Social y Jornaleros de San Quintín Baja
APMR # yo soy 132
Asamblea Popular US
Austin with Ayotzinapa
Autodefensas Legítimas De Michoacán
Ayotzinapa Las Vegas
Ayotzinapa NY
Ayotzinapa San José CA
Berkeley con Ayotzinapa
Célula Libertaria Sin Nombre
Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montaña de Tlachinollan
Centro Cultural y Laboral Sisa Pakari
Círculos Internacionales
Colectivo "ABRE TU MENTE"
Colectivo "EL GRITO"
Colectivo la Voz Latina
Colectivo Mamut San Diego
Colectivo por la Diversidad sexual y la equidad de género AC CODISEEG
Colectiva Subversivas del Estado de México
Comité Justicia x Ayotzinapa Chicago
Coordinadora Estatal de trabajadores de Educación en Guerrero, CETEG
Coordinadora Independencia
Delegación de la Colonia Atlamajac, Guerrero
Delegación de la Colonia El Tepeyac, Guerrero
Delegación de la Colonia Lázaro Cárdenas, Guerrero
Delegación de la Colonia Loma Bonita, Guerrero
Delegación de la Colonia Petlacala, Guerrero
Delegación de la Colonia Santa Anita, Guerrero
Delegación de la Colonia Tlaquiltzinapa, Guerrero
Delegación de la Colonia Tototepec, Guerrero
Delegación de la Colonia Zapata, Guerrero
DF43 Dallas
El Grupo de los Gastos Pendejos
Ellos y Nosotros
Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa Raúl Isidro Burgos
FESOCOM, Federación de Comunistas y Socialistas de México
FIT Foro Izquierda Proletaria
Frente Ayotzinapa USA
Frente de Comerciantes Ambulantes de Tlapa, Guerrero
Fuerza San DIego
Grupo 43 NC
Grupo Mujeres Luchadoras Norristown PA
Guernica Nunca Otra Vez
IDP Izquierda Democrática Popular!
Informativo Pacifica
Inmigrantes Unidos en Resistencia
International Center of Human Rights All for Them
Justice For Ayotzinapa Grand Rapids MI
Kenneth Hayer - SOA Watch Austin
Latinos en Acción St. Louis
Madres y Familiares de Hijas Desaparecidas en Ciudad Juárez
Manhattan Green Party
Mexicanas Al Grito De Guerra
Mexicanos Sin Fronteras Washington, DC
México Sin Corruptos
Miembros de Neighbor for Peace
Movimiento MARABUNTA
Movimientos Indígenas Asociados en Nueva York
Mujeres Profesionistas Rurales de Campeche
Normal Regional de la Montaña
Normales de la Montaña
Observatorio de Violencia Social y de Género en Campeche
Organizaciones Independientes Ecologistas de Salamanca Guanajuato
Plantón x los 43 y Libertad de Todos los Presos Políticos de México
Policías Comunitarias Guerrerenses
Por qué el agua para todos
Presos Políticos Libertad
Pueblo Sin fronteras
Raíces sin Fronteras de San Diego.
Rapid Response Network San Bernardino, California
Red de Lesbianas Feministas de Campeche
Red de Mujeres Mayas por la Dignidad de Nuestros Pueblos
Red de Mujeres por una Opinión Pública con Perspectiva de Género
Reyna’s Gallery Latino Cultural Art
San Miguelito
Semilla Frente Ayotzinapa
Semillas Autónomas
Solidaridad con las Autodefensas Mexicanas desde Nueva York
Soy 132 Las Vegas
Tecnológico de la Montaña
Todo el Poder al Pueblo
Todo Por Ellos, A.C. Chiapas, México
Una Lucha KC Ayotzinapa El Paso TX
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Voces por Ayotzinapa - Min
Voces por Nuestras Niñas Cd. Juarez
Voluntarios de la Comunidad, San José, CA.
West Michigan Coalition For Immigration Reform
Whitney Devin - Austin Tan Cerca de la Frontera
YoSoy 132
Yo Soy 132 Chicago
#YoSoy132 Global
#YoSoy132 Los Angeles
#YoSoy132 Nueva York
5oymexico .org

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