martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

The Ohio Republican Party is using the failing candidacy of their State Senate candidate (who passed a law as a State Rep to drill for natural gas on school property ... no kidding!) as a vehicle to dump an extra million dollars into a race to attack Congressman Dennis Kucinich! 
Dennis' brother Gary Kucinich is the Democratic nominee for State Senate in Ohio's 24th District and the Ohio Republican Party and the Ohio Senate Republican Campaign Committee are spending huge sums of money against him. Nothing unusual here. But the campaign ads aren't just focused on Gary. The TV ads, entitled "Oh Brother" begin with Dennis' picture! The size of the initial buy which just started running is over $100,000.
A campaign mailer ostensibly to attack Gary Kucinich has Dennis' picture on it. Their pictures are on a "Whack-A-Mole" game with a child posed to knock down Gary AND Dennis!
Keep in mind that Dennis took this district from a Republican in 1996. With national and state republican committees joining in against Dennis, it is absolutely imperative that Dennis Kucinich get the resources to be able to withstand the direct and indirect attacks so that he can remain in Congress as a pillar of truth and courage.
In the primary election you came through with a tremendous effort in a few days to make it possible for Dennis to win against an onslaught by corporate Cleveland. Now you are needed again. Please talk to your friends and family. Please make it possible for Dennis to raise the money he needs to remain your voice in Congress. There are now only three weeks to go before the election, please help by contributing generously.
Thank you for always being there! We really need you.
The Re-Elect Congressman Kucinich Committee

The Campaign that Can!
Join Dennis' team and make all the difference in Ohio and America!
The Kucinich campaign runs on the energy and enthusiasm of our loyal volunteers. Those who have a vision for America and work for it by supporting Dennis on the campaign trail. This campaign season play your part and sign up to help with any of our volunteer activities, from phone banking and door to door canvassing, hosting a fundraiser or social networking with our web team. We really need phone bank volunteers.
Honoring Our Volunteers and Supporters: Michael Patterson, Field Volunteer of the Year
Each year we host an event which pays tribute to our volunteers. Last Sunday marked Dennis' 12th Annual Volunteer Picnic. Hundreds of volunteers turned out to join Dennis, Elizabeth and Days of Our Lives star Deidre Hall, for an afternoon of music, food and fun.
This year Dennis presented an award to 'Field Volunteer of the Year', Michael Patterson. Michael has taken six months leave from his work to volunteer full time for our campaign. He is often the first to arrive in the morning and the last to leave at night.
We would also like to take this opportunity to extend our deepest appreciation to Gail Heyn who has worked as a dedicated web team volunteer for over four years, answering and forwarding to us all the emails you send through
Thanks to Michael, Gail and all of you who volunteer, contribute, write letters and emails of support and give us hugs of encouragement when you meet us. You provide us with the strength to continue to fight for the people of America and the world. We are so honored to work with and for you. We love and appreciate each of you.
Dennis & Elizabeth

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