jueves, 24 de marzo de 2016


Dear colleagues: 

Please attend the attached press release. 

Thank you 

Florencia Ruiz Mendoza

PRESS RELEASE                                                                    Contact:  Leobardo Santillán
FOR IMMEADIATE RELEASE                                                Phone number: 281-312-9045
New York, NY. March 21st, 2016                             

Mexican human rights activist will go on a hunger strike for 10 days calling for the indictment of Peña Nieto for crimes against humanity across the UN building.

Press Conference: Monday, March 21st, 2016 at 12:00pm.
Dag Plaza Katharine Hepburn Garden

                              342 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017

Leobardo Santillán, a Mexican human rights activist will go on a hunger strike for 10 days. Santillán has three main demands: the presentation of the 43 students disappeared in Iguala, México; the indictment President Enrique Peña for crimes against humanity; the election of an interim president until the next presidential elections in 2018 and for the unification of all social struggles in his birth country, especially the teachers, the students and the community police; he hopes that together would conform the organization Mexicanos en Acción Patriota, as a response of a decade of severe violence Mexico is suffering today.

Santillán plans to fast from March 21st, 12:00pm to March 31st 12:00pm at the Dag Plaza, close to the United Nations Building. This strike will not be the first one since Leobardo fasted in Dallas and Houston previously last year, both of them received wide coverage and audience, in Mexico as well as in the United States.

Leobardo Santillán, born in 1957, comes from Tenango de Diario, the state of Hidalgo in the Otomi-Tepehua Sierra. He is a former military, but today is dedicated to the defense of human rights.

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