martes, 2 de febrero de 2016


Federico --

WOW. Last night's Iowa caucus was an absolute game-changer, rocking the Democratic Party presidential primary and sending a deep shock wave through the media and the establishment.

To the amazement of many, Bernie Sanders's insurgent progressive candidacy and powerful economic message drove a near-record turnout and kept the Iowa caucus too close to call right up until just a few short hours ago.
Now, with Iowa over, the two candidates are virtually tied headed into the next all-important vote: The New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, February 9.

Our extremely close finish in Iowa was a huge upset for the front-runner and a huge boost of momentum for Bernie's political revolution. Together, we proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a huge constituency in America ready to push for real progressive change -- and that we can be a force of nature at the polls.

A big win for Bernie in New Hampshire is exactly the burst of momentum we need to spark victories across the country in the many primaries and caucuses to come. Can you pitch in $3 or more right now so that Bernie Sanders and DFA can double down on New Hampshire?
After last night's closer-than-expected finish, we know the establishment is going to throw everything they have at us, trying to slow our momentum before the next vote. We need to be ready fight back hard if we are going to win and win big in the Granite State.

And our journey won't end in New Hampshire. Bernie's campaign is already hard at work building infrastructure well beyond New Hampshire -- in Nevada and South Carolina, and in 12 states that will have their say on Super Tuesday, March 1.

Last night in Iowa, we scored an incredibly important victory for working families and sent a strong message to the corporate special interests who dominate our politics. We proved that we have the power to shock the establishment and make history.

Now, it is up to us to prove that this isn't just a flash in the pan -- that our political revolution isn't limited to one caucus or one state or one election. Let's show the establishment that we're here to stay: Chip in $3 or more right now to help Bernie Sanders and DFA go all-out to win in New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina and beyond.

Thanks for being a part of this huge victory for Bernie and our people-powered movement.

- Eden

Eden James, Political Director
Democracy for America

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